
Reflexivity in daily life: A theoretical perspective

 Theory of Reflexivity Generally in finance the " Reflexivity theory states that investors don't base their decisions on reality, but rather on their perceptions of reality instead " - George Soros. In other words, stock prices might increase or decrease the equilibrium values by a significant amount persistently over time. This is because the process of price formation is reflexive and dominated by positive or negative feedback loops between prices and expectations.  Reflexivity in our life We used to adhere to the principle of reflexivity without consciousness in actual life as well. Consider the following scenario: You are the batter and you observe a field for bouncers. As a result, you prepared for a bouncer on your positive loop or a yorker or some other deliveries on your negative loop. But what drives a person to choose a positive or negative loop?  Don't think it's just about the probability. Because it's not about probability, flipping a coin relies

Does karma exist in reality or is it just a myth?

 Have you ever questioned why everything horrible in your life keeps happening? Have you ever wondered why your life was becoming worse despite you trying to be a good person? If you believe in God, have you ever wondered why God allows such horrible things to happen to you? Does karma exist in reality or is it just a myth? I'm just expressing my perspective on life, how I perceive things, and how Annie Duke's (A Poker) book " Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts" has affected my ideology and outlook on life. Here's an illustration: Jack, a modest truck driver and Natasha is a compassionate woman who works for a financial company. Both of them had important things to do on a beautiful Monday. Before 8 a.m., Jack needs to deliver the box and Natasha needs to catch a flight. Due to their sense of haste, they drove their vehicles quickly, which resulted in an accident. They both passed away after that. So who made the erro

Why Jack Ma, a moron, rather than Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Elon Musk, served as my inspiration.

 I've read more than ten biographies of billionaires, including Dhirubhai Ambani, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos. when contrasting these individuals with Jack Ma. He is not a smart one among these peoples and occasionally acts like an idiot. But even so, he is the only person who inspires me a lot. You will undoubtedly learn some things about Jack Ma on this blog that you didn't know. Before I explain why he is my inspiration, I kindly ask that you guys to watch the following YouTube video and read the comments that have been left there. A discussion between Jack Ma and Elon Musk is shown in this video. I'm sure you laugh a little while reading the comments.  In the early days of Alibaba, Jack personally advised some workers to take a quick break and return, once Alibaba's financial issues were resolved. Because he can't afford to pay the employee's salaries in his early years. Alibaba sorely required a financia

How do the actors with the bizarre lifestyles get so much money compared to hard working Indian folks

  I created this blog with my viewpoint in reference to the book " The Long Tail " by Chris Anderson. Have you ever wondered how famous actors, athletes, and many other individuals get so much money in comparison to  India's hardworking citizens? Do their efforts and dedication to pursuing their passion pay off financially? If the answer is yes, why do we not possess the same talent, effort, and commitment towards our passion to earn a good living? Therefore, the most important question is: " Are these people truly deserving of receiving such a large sum of money? " Indians have an enormous love for cinema, so in this case we will focus on the film sector. In contrast to what a movie star may do in real life, most people idolize and follow actors without knowing their true identities.  However, this is not the situation we will be discussing in this article. In a film industry, there are numerous  Badshah's and Super Stars , each living with their own lifest